Zamer Duktrofna






Failed jedi/Sith lord


Zamer is highly intelligent and is very powerful in the ways of the force. When he was only six years old, he was taken from his home world Ryloth, to be trained by a jedi master. His parents protested vehemently against this, but the jedi, determined to take this child and train him, simply killed his parents and took the boy with him. This jedi was no other than master Dooku himself, who was at that point still a member of the jedi temple. When he returned to Coruscant with the boy and presented him to the council, Yaddle felt something was wrong about all this and encouraged the boy to talk about what happened. Zamer, who had been threatened by Dooku to not say a word, was afraid to say anything, but in the end the story came out. Dooku pleaded his own case by declaring he had only fought the boys parents in self-defense, and there was no proof against this. Att hat point Dooku decided to leave the temple altogehter, and Zamer was to be trained. The council would set up a special program for this child, who had been touched by darkness through what the jedi saw as their own fault.
Zamer grew up in the temple, bittered. He was a perfecionist and resented the fact that he had to train with younglings who were two years younger than he was. Later, when Zamer was too old to be considered a youngling, the temple decided that this boy were to be trained by more than one master, in an attempt to cleanse him of the darkness that his trauma with Dooku had given him. It was because of this that Zamer met many renowned jedi of those days; Obi-Wan Kenobi trained him in form III of lightsaber combat; Soresu. This defensive style was meant to teach Zamer to be defensive, rather than aggressive. He also trained under Yoda, who gave him more insight in the force and taught him how it should be used for the light side. Later Plo Koon was there to educate him in the ways of piloting a starfighter. Zamer also had romantic feelings for his fellow Twi'lek Aayla Secura, and those feelings were mutual. However, the temple forbids attachment, and so nothing ever came from those feelings.
His training would have succeeded in bringing young Zamer back to the light side, if it hadn't been for one thing; his lightsaber. As a child, Zamer had visited supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who gave him a beuatiful, powerful saber. What Zamer did not know, was that the saber influenced him. It lured him more and more towards the dark side. Every time a jedi master would teach Zamer anything, the saber would twist and turn his words, until the lesson learned was not one of the Jedi, but of the Sith.
Slowly but surely, Zamer became more and more brooding. He saw the Clone wars come by, but was never allowed to take any real part in it. Only at Geonosis was he allowed to help the Jedi; there, Zamer thought, he'd have his revenge on count Dooku. But just as Zamer was to lash out with the Force at the Sith, the clone's gunships arrived. Zamer would never get a second chance.
At the end of the clone wars, Zamer was sent on a mission with an equally troubled apprentice, both of them guided by a jedi knight. It was during that mission that Order 66 was enacted. Fortunately, Zamer and his fellow Jedi received master Kenobi's warning in time. But Zamer wanted to escape the new Empire. He wanted to hide, to wait, to hone his skills until the oppurtune moment to strike at this 'Emperor' would come.
And he wanted to use the dark side to do it.
Naturally, the jedi knight guiding him tried to stop Zamer, but although he managed to cut off the Twi'lek's left hand, he was killed when Zamer used the dark side against him. The other apprentice fled.
Zamer then spent his years training, become more powerful each day. But nineteen years later, a cadre of stormtroopers led by Darth Vader himself caught up to him. Zamer was brought before the Emperor, and given the position of Inquisitor. The unfortunate Twi'lek had little say in this; it was either that, or execution.
On his first mission as Inquisitor, Zamer produced amazing results; he captured seven very powerful force users and uncovered an organisation which attempted to organize force users into a resistance group. On this mission, Zamer also found the droideka Locust, who became a trusted, though somewhat unorthodox friend of the inquisitor. Locust was also given command over a cadre of stormtroopers, to serve the Empire.
During this time, Zamer learned that Darth Vader was actually Anakin Skywalker; the little brat who received all the attention back at the temple; leaving Zamer in the shadows. He also found out Vader had a son. He presented this information to the Emperor, who was already suspicious of Vader. The emperor, understanding that Zamer could possibly become more powerful than Vader and knowing that the Twi'lek would remain loyal, then began training him as his new apprentice. It was not before long that Zamer's powers became greater than even Vader's, and eventually even rivaled those of the Emperor himself.
Meanwhile Zamer had been appointed to the rank of Grand Inquisitor, a position in which he captured, interrogated and learned much from fugitive Jedi and dark jedi alike. In the end, he was to partake in the battle of Endor. Placed with the intercepting portion of the fleet, along with his ally Locust and captain Chad Redav, Zamer waited for his vision to come true. His vision of the Death Star exloding.
His vision of him leading a reborn Empire.

Zamer is deceitful, to say the least. He has a way of gaining a person's trust, learing what he needs to learn from them, only to crush them when he no longer needs them. Despite this, Zamer is quite peaceful for a Sith; though he believes that conflict is neccesary to grow, he thinks not all conflicts need to end with one guy losing his head. Zamer only kills when it is neccesary to his goals, or when he feels threathened- something rare with this exceedingly powerful Sith lord. Although Zamer has great power, he rarely uses it, wishing to keep his true potential hidden until the right time comes.
Zamer avoids confrontation whenever possible. Instead, he influences others, strengthening the enmity between opponents and turning allies against one another. He doesn't do this through use of the force, but rather by playing mind games on others.
Zamer has no faith in the rule of two. In fact, one of his goals is to recreate the ancient Sith order. However he believes that true control over the dark side comes from intelligence, not merely potential. This is his way of reducing the Sith infighting; he only trains those he knows will be satisfied with a certain amount of freedom; his plan is to make a small group of Sith rulers of the universe, giving them an illusion of freedom; after all, only Zamer stands above them, and he will leave them to their devices- as long as they are valuable to his cause.
Though Zamer has embraced the dark side of the force, he is not completely without compassion; he has in fact had several loving relationships, and even has a daughter he cares for deeply. Though he does not know where she is, Zamer will do his best to support her through the force.


'I am simply a former jedi, forced to work for the Empire, and in my new job as inquisitor I try to help as many of my "targets" to escape'. I still can't believe they actually fell for that.

Most memorable moment

A lot of moments, actually. The best one probably being the time when Zamer started mouthing off against Yoda, lecturing HIM on how the force should be used.