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Health: Vibrant
Wealth: Struggling

Founded long ago by settlers from Luccini, Myrmidens is the largest, most populous area of the Border Princes- in as far as such honorifics mean anything in this almost uncivilized region. Nonetheless, the fact that this coastal town has survived since before the time of Sigmar speaks is speaks volumes of its tenacity.

While Myrmidens was originally founded as a Tilean city-state, the population declared its independence in the year 772. A senate was formed to maintain order, and Myrmidia was declared patron goddess, ensuring both the support of the Myrmidian cult and the piety of the common man. By the time Tilea's other city-states had resolved that decade's civil war, Myrmidia had become powerful enough to dissuade any attempts by Luccini to reclaim their wayward settlement.

The city has continued to thrive ever since, acting as a midway point between Tilea and the border princes. Merchants from the city-states come here both to sell their luxury goods and to purchase raw materials from the smaller realms of the Border Princes. These in turn purchase Tilean luxury items- if their meagre finances allow it.

Myrmidens tends to keep its taxes on imported goods low, worrying that when taxes rise, merchants will simply circumvent the city-state and go directly to the source. If the lower taxes are not enough to lure merchants to their city, the senate of Myrmidens is not above hiring mercenaries or Sartosan pirates to discourage merchants from making the long voyage themselves- although such an aggressive move is usually reserved as a last resort.

Luccini and Myrmidens have a rich history of mutual enmity, the former unable to accept Myrmidens' independence even after all these centuries. It is said that Lucan's descendants are the ones who originally founded the city-state, and that it is they who are most determined to bring Myrmidens back into the fold. Luccina's descendands, meanwhile, hinder these attempts to keep their counterparts from becoming too powerful.

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