War Tales
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Area description

Khaz Vithang

Health: Sparsely populated
Wealth: Affluent

Khaz Vithang is a massive underground hall where the heads of Ekrund's merchant guilds met with other guildmasters and foreign dignitaries. Before the War of Vengeance, even elves graced these halls with their presence, readily negotiating contracts with the fledgling dwarven hold.

The hall never lost its importance, and even when the center of power in Ekrund shifted to Mount Bloodhorn, Khaz Vithang remained an important meeting ground for the hold's most esteemed merchants.

In the final battle for Ekrund, the meeting hall proved to be a perfectly defensable position. Greenskins seeking to access Ankor Drakk had to run across the massive hall, with no cover to speak of. At the south end of the hall the dwarves had gathered their quarellers and their artillery, turning the hall into a massive killing ground.

The hall only fell when ammo ran out, and only then after days of holding off the greenskin hordes, creating mountains of dead orcs and goblins. Ultimately the dwarves fell to a charge of massed squigs, but by then they had proven themselves to be some of the greatest heroes of Ekrund.

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