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Wurrgul Squigbiter

Like most shamans, Wurrgul is a few cards short of a deck. Nonetheless, this sickly pale goblin has lived in close proximity of his tribe's leadership for most of his life, offering advise based on his visions to those who tolerate him, and arranging a unfortunate accidents for those who don't. The fact that he has not yet been eaten is testament to his cunning.

Wurrgul was one of many greenskins to follow warboss Zagruk Gobstomper to the north, and hoped that he would one day be in a position to whisper his suggestions into the warboss's ears. With Zagruk dead, Wurrgul is looking for another orc who he can mold to lead the Waaagh!, or at the very least hopes that someone suspectible to his suggestions will end up in that position.

Despite his cunning and backstabbing, Wurrgul is not entirely untrustworthy- his interests are aligned with da Waaagh!, and he will certainly support the greenskin in charge. This semi-loyalty, combined with his command of the Great Green, makes him a valuable asset to any greenskin intent on ridding the Dragonbacks of humies and stunties, as well as every gobbo who will not bow to the Waaagh!.

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