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Mario da Gama

Prince Mario da Gama is the fiercely independent ruler of Myrmidens. He is beloved by his people and hated in Luccini- for like his forebears, Mario stubbornly resists the city-state's subtle attempts to bring its former outpost back into the fold.

He represents the Border Princes both in ideals and in practice, for he is the most powerful among the rulers of that region. It is his shrewd diplomacy that bridges the gap between the free people of these lands, and the more sophisticated merchants and ambassadors of foreign nations.

Despite his obvious success, prince Mario is less than perfect, even if he tries to hide his weaknesses. He currently lacks heirs and a bride, making him slightly anxious about his inability to continue his bloodline. He worries that, should he not produce an heir, his princedom will be torn to shreds by his courtiers like a hungry pack of wolves ripping a carcass to shreds. He has visited many a castle in search of his princess, but is yet to find her. Furthermore he is deathly allergic to certain mushrooms and seafood, in particular turtle meat. As such refuses to dine anywhere without his own cadre of food tasters present- a paranoid quirk which has offended several less understanding hosts.

Nonetheless, da Gama is as ruthless a leader as the Border Princes demands- numerous courtiers have disappeared after showing signs of disloyalty, and several would-be princedoms have been brought low by his army before they could challenge his position. Such is the way of things in the Border Princes, where life is valued less than power, and treachery is a game played by all who have the means to- a game da Gama has mastered.

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