Even for a race as belligerent as the greenskins, the goblins of Ekrund are considered unorganized and divided. No leader lasts longer than a few days in the tunnels underneath the Dragonback mountains, and its residents mostly either ignore each other or steal from, torture and kill one another, depending on what mood strikes them.
Gobzag Grotwrangler is the exception to this rule. He is adept at setting his rivals up against each other, and subsequentially filling the hole this shift in power brings about. Rather than ruling through fear and power, Gobzag will befriend others, earn their trust, and give them their heart's desire- until they stop following his suggestions, that is. Once these "allies" have served their purpose, Gobzag will ensure they meet a grisly end.
The fact that Gobzag has survived his intrigues until now, however, should not be attributed to his charm, but to the massive amount of the addictive blueblot mushrooms in the caves he claims for himself. He feeds these psychoactive mushrooms to his followers every day, making them highly susceptible to his suggestions. Ultimately the mushrooms are lethal, but there is never a shortage of goblins willing to take the place of those who died from ingesting one too many of these dark blue, spotted fungi.
When not in the vicinity of those he is trying to befriend, Gobzag is as cruel and spiteful as any goblin. He immensely enjoys forcing followers and outsiders alike to fight each other in his makeshift arena, only to let loose his squigs on whoever survives. He delights in withholding the blueblot from those addicted to it, only giving them their fix when they are about to regain their senses.
Gobzag rules the southern part of the Dragonback mountains- he can't expand his rule overly, because he can only grow so much blueblot to keep his subjects happy. This- and a rather excessive paranoia- is the only thing limiting his ambitions. Were he to fix the issue of supply, he might end up ruling the Dragonbacks altogether.