Oh, I think I will. But ye might be biting off more than ye can chew if ye think an Alpsbane is gonna make ye a meal.


Posts: 154
Location: Alabama
Luca Alpsbane
Just signed up because of the game that DemonSlayer talked about over on NorthernGamerz.
I've always wanted to collect warhammer figures but I'd have to give up my other plastic crack addiction (Funko Pop Figures). But I do play some Warhammer stuff on PC.
And as far as roleplaying, I always loved pencil and paper RPG playing, but after junior high, could never find a good steady group. I have played some on Fantasy Grounds, Pathfinder and Save Worlds, but because of time zones and work schedules, people not showing up, I find that I enjoy playing by post a lot more. Currently playing a pretty crazy homebrew campaign....
As far as other hobbies, the usual, I game, I read, I knit, I enjoy writing long detailed back stories for my characters.

Posts: 17
Location: New York
Well don't you look like a familiar face.

Posts: 373
Location: The Great White North
Freyr Fairhair
Welcome aboard


Posts: 431
Location: The Netherlands