In the beginning...
During the opening moves of the war, the Unified Trade Council secures the prime harbor, landing troops there through the north sea from which they approached. The Allied Families of Nez, in response, lose no time in securing the old harbor. While it does not offer access to the larger ships like the prime harbor, the old harbor is still an important location, and both factions eye the other warily.
Meanwhile, the Chevaliers de Saint Leon, too, move towards the harbor, anticipating the chance of eliminating both the Council and the Families in one daring charge. However, as they reach the harbor, their supply lines are cut by the Brotherhood of Defiant Amaranth in the peasant district. Sending their agents from the market district, the Brotherhood hinders the Chevalier's advance, crushing their hopes of an early cleansing of Nez.
Then suddenly, loud noises outside the city gates alert the four factions of the arrival of the Sons of Exile. Across the city, the countryside, and on the water, fighting breaks out between supporters of each faction. But which one will be victorious? Only time will tell...