War Tales
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An apple a day...
posted on 2017-05-24 09:10:34
Ok, so, as amplebob and Grumbaki have pointed out, the website's menu button (shown only on mobile devices) does not work properly for iPhones- when you tap it, nothing happens. So, in order to fix it I added a bit of code, but since I don't own an iPhone I'll need you guys to test it for me.

So, long story short, if you have an iPhone please try navigating to this website and hitting the menu button. If a drop down menu appears, great, let me know. If it does not appear, not great, but let me know anyway .

(technical explanation, if you care; the menu button is made visible when you "hover" over it, either with a mouse or by tapping it with your finger. Sadly, apple does not know what "hover" means, so I have to get creative in order to explain to apple products what I want them to do)
Posts: 431
Location: The Netherlands
An apple a day...
posted on 2017-05-24 16:50:03
If it's appearing using CSS, try using :focus.

I know Bootstrap and Pure both have ways of implementing mobile menus, maybe looking into one of those and see if you can port it over.
Posts: 154
Location: Alabama
Luca Alpsbane
An apple a day...
posted on 2017-05-24 18:11:20
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind! For now I've simple set onclick="void(0)" on the menu button, if that doesn't fix it I'll try your suggestion!
Posts: 431
Location: The Netherlands
Pages: [1]