War Tales
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Questions about the future
posted on 2017-06-10 13:48:04
Ok people, with the campaign over, I was thinking of what comes next, and I'd like to ask your input on a couple of things.

During the Dragonback tale, I've used a number of faction NPCs (Snorrison, van Groenedam, Wurrzul). I deliberately put all of these in a supporting/advisory role, since I really wanted to avoid a story where they were in charge while you guys were their underlings. I didn't want to force you to suck up to them in order to convince them of doing anything. So, question is, is this preferable? Or would you rather've had a more proactive NPC who'd have given you a bit more direction?

Second question, and this is an idea I came up with while doing the "pick one of three options" events I threw at you every once in a while. Namely, how would you guys like it if I gave your faction three NPCs... And on turn one asked you to pick one and discard the others?

For example, let's take the DEE. Instead of giving them Groenedam, I could have given you Groenedam the merchant/politician, di Valdani the retired mercenary, or Al Kazeem the scholar? Not much of a difference in mechanics, but it would allow you to decide the background of your faction more directly.

Finally, and this is really a question for everyone individually... Who'd be willing/ interested in playing a different race from the one they played now? In my time I've played as pretty much all the major (and some minor) Warhammer races, while I know others really don't like playing anything they don't have an army for... So, is that something you'd be willing to do? This would allow me to pick different factions next time- I have no problem going human/dwarf/orc each time, but at some point we might need to mix things up!

Thanks for taking the time to answer !
Posts: 431
Location: The Netherlands
Questions about the future
posted on 2017-06-10 14:00:01
I like the thought of more NPC's. I don't particularly care if they lead or not. I quite liked how it went and gave us an opportunity to crown one of our own. On the other hand, having them be more direct and lead allows for some fun situations like when the Waagh killed their former leader.

I like the thought of more question/challenges like what we got. They were a fun fluff discussion and often gave us some good ideas on special projects. I also wouldn't mind if an NPC gave kind of 'quests'. Like if Snorrison said "Take the main gates by turn 4 you get X". In my mind they should be small little bonuses not make a big difference, but be interesting enough to possible change your stratagies or get you talking.


Question 2, on the races. I generally play a human or dwarf in my games but that's mostly out of habit and my main in game armies. I'll happily play any race and would love to see more get involved. As long as theirs a good way to involve them in the story telling. Fantasy is a lot easier for that of course, it's not like 40k where it would be somewhat impossible to play a tyranid or old school necron. (From a story telling perspective anyway.)

Actually this campaign was fun for me because it's the first time in an online game that I actually picked a faction and was among the first to do so. Usually I float around and offer to go wherever someone is needed.
Posts: 373
Location: The Great White North
Freyr Fairhair
Questions about the future
posted on 2017-06-10 15:00:58
Im cool with both ways the npcs can work. I think it would be pretty nice if you made 3 npcs we can choose from and then the rest leave, and then it could be a choise between a merchant, mercenery/general and scholar. I enjoyed the events as it got some new fluff opened, that we might havent thought of before. Question 2 im open to play any races, but as this is my first campaign i dont have much experience from earlier on.
Posts: 73
Location: Denmark
Rakam Ironhammer
Questions about the future
posted on 2017-06-10 15:43:27
I like the idea of picking a figurehead, as the 3 options let's a faction choose their 'identity' so to speak. Another idea for the figurehead is for them to have their own quests which they can give the faction. A scholar may want an exploration project, while a warrior may want a location sacked. Getting the task done gives a mechanical reward. The PCs are still in charge, but the figurehead can do more than wait to be spoken to.

As for player races, I will always play in a dwarf faction of offered. But if there is no dwarf faction, I might want to try out actually being one of the bad guys...haven't ever done so. To not worry about holding locations or 'civilians' sounds really liberating.
Posts: 326
- Durak Ironhelm
Questions about the future
posted on 2017-06-10 16:49:42
I'm fine with either way of working with the NPCs. As for factions, I'm okay with being whatever since I don't have any armies or preferences really, although I do want to play as the Alpsbanes again, they are a lot of fun to RP.

I've got some ideas for other races, some of which are probably not lore friendly and just plain silly.
Posts: 154
Location: Alabama
Luca Alpsbane
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