Questions about the future
posted on 2017-06-10 13:48:04
posted on 2017-06-10 13:48:04
Ok people, with the campaign over, I was thinking of what comes next, and I'd like to ask your input on a couple of things.
During the Dragonback tale, I've used a number of faction NPCs (Snorrison, van Groenedam, Wurrzul). I deliberately put all of these in a supporting/advisory role, since I really wanted to avoid a story where they were in charge while you guys were their underlings. I didn't want to force you to suck up to them in order to convince them of doing anything. So, question is, is this preferable? Or would you rather've had a more proactive NPC who'd have given you a bit more direction?
Second question, and this is an idea I came up with while doing the "pick one of three options" events I threw at you every once in a while. Namely, how would you guys like it if I gave your faction three NPCs... And on turn one asked you to pick one and discard the others?
For example, let's take the DEE. Instead of giving them Groenedam, I could have given you Groenedam the merchant/politician, di Valdani the retired mercenary, or Al Kazeem the scholar? Not much of a difference in mechanics, but it would allow you to decide the background of your faction more directly.
Finally, and this is really a question for everyone individually... Who'd be willing/ interested in playing a different race from the one they played now? In my time I've played as pretty much all the major (and some minor) Warhammer races, while I know others really don't like playing anything they don't have an army for... So, is that something you'd be willing to do? This would allow me to pick different factions next time- I have no problem going human/dwarf/orc each time, but at some point we might need to mix things up!
Thanks for taking the time to answer !
During the Dragonback tale, I've used a number of faction NPCs (Snorrison, van Groenedam, Wurrzul). I deliberately put all of these in a supporting/advisory role, since I really wanted to avoid a story where they were in charge while you guys were their underlings. I didn't want to force you to suck up to them in order to convince them of doing anything. So, question is, is this preferable? Or would you rather've had a more proactive NPC who'd have given you a bit more direction?
Second question, and this is an idea I came up with while doing the "pick one of three options" events I threw at you every once in a while. Namely, how would you guys like it if I gave your faction three NPCs... And on turn one asked you to pick one and discard the others?
For example, let's take the DEE. Instead of giving them Groenedam, I could have given you Groenedam the merchant/politician, di Valdani the retired mercenary, or Al Kazeem the scholar? Not much of a difference in mechanics, but it would allow you to decide the background of your faction more directly.
Finally, and this is really a question for everyone individually... Who'd be willing/ interested in playing a different race from the one they played now? In my time I've played as pretty much all the major (and some minor) Warhammer races, while I know others really don't like playing anything they don't have an army for... So, is that something you'd be willing to do? This would allow me to pick different factions next time- I have no problem going human/dwarf/orc each time, but at some point we might need to mix things up!
Thanks for taking the time to answer !
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Location: The Netherlands
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Location: The Netherlands