War Tales
Pages: [1]
posted on 2016-07-20 09:27:25
So, this is the thread where I tell you a little bit about what kind of behavior is expected of you as a member of this forum (and what kind of behavior is frowned upon), and about what this website's rules are.

First of all, treat other users with respect. While it is fully understandable that debates about our favorite games can get a little heated, any personal attacks on users are simply not allowed. This is extra true for the Lounge and the Debate Hall, where topics which can hit a little closer to home are discussed.

Second, you are not allowed to post anything racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory or illegal. Also, kids can view this website, so avoid using explicit or offensive language/images.

Third, if you experience any trouble with a member of this website, do not try to solve it yourself. Simply contact an administrator, and if necessary they will apply disciplinary actions.

Website use
- Please do not use pictures in your forum signature. If you do, they will be removed without warning!

- Please do not use any functions which interact with another user's IP address or which collect/use information from users.

- Please do not create more than one account! One account should be plenty for anyone; if you want to change any details about your account (like your username), just send a message to an Administrator and we'll look into it as soon as possible.

- This website in no way encourages its members to use this forum for the purpose of trading miniatures or other gaming material with one another, and claims no responsibility for any such transactions. WarTales does not have the means to enforce the fairness of such trades, and if any party in a trade does not uphold their end of the bargain, then we will not do anything about it.

- Do not use this site for anything illegal.

Copyright and advertising
- Do not share stat lines or point costs, either in part or in full, for any model.

- Do not share copyrighted material, and do not share links to other websites revealing copyrighted information.

- Do not ask for illegal copies of copyrighted material- digital or otherwise- via this website.

- Please do not advertise any website out of context. If you really want to advertise something, send a message to one of the Administrators, and they'll take it under review.


- The Owner, Administrators, and Moderators of WarTales(staff) reserve the right to apply whatever disciplinary measure they see fit at any point in time, to any member(s), for any reason.

- Disciplinary measures include editing/deleting your posts, blocking your account (permanently or temporarily), and banning your IP address.

The staff reserves the right to update or change these rules whenever they see fit.
Posts: 431
Location: The Netherlands
Pages: [1]