War Tales
Pages: [1]
From the Badlands
posted on 2017-04-16 18:59:48
Missed the first contest but will add a little bit of Dularg's backstory for fun.


The cracked earth spread flat every way, interrupted by only a few withered trees and thorny black weeds. A giant boar staggered forward under the weight of a hefty orc, swaying from side to side with his swollen eyes half closed. Long gashes disfigured his tough skin and scratches distorted his armor. He had licked the blood off the wounds, not to clean them but to wet his baked tongue. Flies swirled about his head but he did not so much as blink, nor did the pig lift its tail. His mount stumbled and they both collapsed into the dirt and sand. There, they lay a long time, chests barely rising and falling.

A few puffy pale clouds crossed the horizon but only the blazing sun hung in the blue sky above. Ants began to gather on the fallen figures. Dark birds circled slowly down. One alighted nearby and slowly approached the boar. Then it stuck out its long bald neck and bit loose the end of a long strip of flesh.

The orc stirred and the vulture hopped back. His vision blurred and warbled but he dragged around to the fallen pig. He bit into its haunch and spat out a mouthful of dusty fur. He bit again and chewed his way to a vein of sluggish blood. This put new spirit into him and he began gulping down great chunks of warm, raw meat. He dusted the ants off his garments and propped himself up. I ain't gonna be no crowbait today.

The birds waited, knowing their would be plenty of flesh for all of them.


"Halt! Who dat?" The goblin sentry called out.

A lone orc approached, hefty as a big 'un, maybe even a boss. The sentry lowered his spear. He did not recognize the orc but green was green. At least the stunties weren't attacking. He put on a big toothy grin for the newcomer.

Dularg smashed his axe through the goblin's skull, killing him in a moment. He tore off the sentry's mail coat and wrapped it around his forearm. He glanced forward at mighty worked stones which made Mingol Grom. Only one guard. Wot waz dose grots finking? He continued into the crumbling Dwarfish settlement, now daubed with waaagh symbols and hung with drying hides.

Greenskin cries rang out through the defaced buildings. Snotlings skittered all over screeching, while goblins bickered and sharpened their choppas. A pack of wolf riders brought in sacks of plundered grain, not a well loved meal, but the horde sometimes had to eat what it could. The ancient dwarves had constructed in a ring around a circular plaza. The newcomer stepped onto the edge of this and bellowed.

"Who is boss here?"

The settlement fell silent. A tattoed orc a head taller than him rose from a tent. The big boss disliked living near anything made by stunties and his tendency to thrash around violently when dreaming made him ill suited to sleep indoors. In fact, he had just been sleeping and ill pleased to wake. He crossed the plaza and leered down at Dularg.

"What youse want, grot?"

"Nuffink, boss." Dularg cringed and put down his axe. "Just want to join da waaagh, dat's all."

"Dat ain't no reason for breaking me booty sleep." The bigger greenie punched him. "Youse do what youse told. Unnerstand, pup?"

"Sure fing, boss." Dularg muttered but the leader had already spat upon his face and turned away.

The newcomer grabbed his axe and slammed it into the big boss' ankle. The other orc roared, pulled the weapon out of his foot and lurched towards his challenger. Dularg pulled out a long knife and darted around his challenger. He was quicker than the old chief and considerably more agile, even if his opponent had not been maimed but he was not near so tough or strong. He slashed forward and blood spurted from his foe's wrist. The big boss dropped the axe and wrapped both of his huge hands around his challenger's throat. Dularg stabbed the stomach repeatedly but the grip around his neck grew ever tighter and the head began to pale as the mixed red-green blood failed to reach it. Then he thrust his knife deep into his opponent's neck and pulled down with a saw. The big boss collapsed lifeless on top of him.

No one spoke. Even the snotlings did not squeak. Only the penned sguigs whined. One of the boyz, (who was missing an eye), examined the bodies.

"Dey is boff dead." He exclaimed.

The most regarded of the big 'uns fell to fighting. After a brief fierce scrum, two lay dead and the rest had yielded. Then, Dularg, still a bit pale in the face, pulled himself clear of the orc corpse and hefted his axe.

"I little optormistic, dontcha fink? I is boss."

The big 'un champion growled between his missing teeth and charged, betting that he could dispatch a single wounded boy. His enemy's weapon thunked into his shield and he swung his own choppa down and sheared through the mail protecting Dularg's forearm. The force of his charge dragged the two orcs back together until they smashed into the sguig pen. With his free arm, Dularg grabbed the big 'un's ear and forced his head through the spars of the pen. The champion thrashed about but could not tear loose. Confused and irritated by this confusion, a wallowing sguig chewed his face off.

When the big 'un finally stopped thrashing and screaming, Dularg dropped hefted his carcass and threw into the center of the plaza.

"I is da best!"

The remaining greenskins lay down their weapons. They began to chant.

"Boss. Boss. Boss. Boss. Boss!"

Much bloodshed would follow.

Posts: 139
From the Badlands
posted on 2017-04-18 08:11:54
Ah, the greenskin democratic process in action . Nice writing, always fun to learn a little more about the characters!
Posts: 431
Location: The Netherlands
Pages: [1]