War Tales
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Second contest; painting!
posted on 2017-04-11 07:16:52
Hey all,

Our second contest will be a painting contest! There's not really a limit to what you can paint- a single character, a unit (of any model count), or a monster- anything can be submitted, as long as it is somehow tied to the campaign background.

If you'd like to enter, please post your entry below. I'm asking for two pictures- one WIP photo, and one photo of the finished model(s). Also, to verify that this is a new project, take a newspaper or something with today's date and place it next to the model on both pictures. Yes, we're all official-like that way !

Like last time, the prize will be resources. Everyone who enters will receive a small amount, and I will pick one winner per faction who will receive a larger sum.

The contest ends when turn three ends, giving you two weeks to complete your project (of course if you need more time at the end to finish things up, just tell me- I'm more than willing to wait a couple of days)!

Good luck, and happy painting!
Posts: 431
Location: The Netherlands
Second contest; painting!
posted on 2017-04-11 16:25:14
Hoo boy. Now I've got to go dig out or buy some dwarf models to work on. Either that or find a way to make a lot of dead greenskins...
Posts: 373
Location: The Great White North
Freyr Fairhair
Second contest; painting!
posted on 2017-04-12 18:17:29

Hargin Snorrison, with proof that it was for this campaign by his name written below him and the campaign title.

Saw the dwarf and thought 'take away the giant lollipop and we've got a good scholar here'


And he got painted last night!


Another picture of my horrible painting skills.
Posts: 326
- Durak Ironhelm
Second contest; painting!
posted on 2017-04-13 07:21:04
Oh that's great, thanks !
Posts: 431
Location: The Netherlands
Second contest; painting!
posted on 2017-04-14 21:55:35
Okay painting done!

First, some pictures of them built but not yet painted. In the background you can see a wonderful image to show that I only started them after the competition started.

I have a couple of dawi going, so let’s introduce them as they get painted. This is actually some of the first fantasy I’ve painted this year, so if you’ve got a sensitive stomach for bad painting, avert your eyes!

Here is a slightly blurry group image.

To start off our individual pictures we have the big man himself. Lord Freyr Fairhair and his newly forged hammer Reclamation. To a dwarf, history and his ancestors are everything, but Freyr is determined to forge a name age and a new empire.

Then we have his trusted advisor Brokkr. Brokkr is a close friend of Freyr and leads his hammerers in battle.

Below is Morden Goodmountain, a slightly psychotic dragon slayer. As word of what’s happening in Ekrund spreads, more and more slayers are flocking to Freyrs banner.

Finally we have a few of Lord Freyrs Hammerers, resolute bodyguards. Lord Freyr dislikes big flashy banners, so to mark this campaign he had a special series of runes forged. They are oaths and promises to take Ekrund in the name of the dwarves.

And that is my entry to the painting contest. Alas I’ve never been a great painter so things are a bit rough around the edges.
Posts: 373
Location: The Great White North
Freyr Fairhair
Second contest; painting!
posted on 2017-04-15 12:14:03
Nice job, thanks for submitting !
Posts: 431
Location: The Netherlands
Second contest; painting!
posted on 2017-04-16 04:55:37
Should we start from scratch? I've been fiddling around with a unit filler, so it's already partially painted, but it fits the background rather nicely.
Posts: 139
Second contest; painting!
posted on 2017-04-16 09:51:07
Not necessarily, as long as you have both a WIP picture and a finished picture .
Posts: 431
Location: The Netherlands
Second contest; painting!
posted on 2017-04-19 21:04:45
I'm painting up a new wizard for my Marienburg army

Not sure if the Facebook time stamp is enough to date the original picture so I've snapped a WiP pic for where I'm currently up to as well, it's kind of hard to get a decent picture with the iPad in shot but he's coming along nicely.

Posts: 86
Second contest; painting!
posted on 2017-04-20 04:18:08
Like the dwarves and the griffon. What size base does it come on?
Posts: 139
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